Home » Turning bad boys into saintly men: The work of Saint John Bosco

Turning bad boys into saintly men: The work of Saint John Bosco

The tragedy of boys failing to grow into good men is not a modern phenomenon. While there are many reasons that young men today drift through life or engage in dangerous behaviors, this is not […]

Left: John Bosco in an 1880 photograph; right: Bosco (sitting at right) during a visit to Barcelona in 1886. (Images: Wikipedia)The tragedy of boys failing to grow into good men is not a modern phenomenon. While there are many reasons that young men today drift through life or engage in dangerous behaviors, this is not a new problem.

In the twenty-first century, this probably has much to do with boys lacking father figures in their lives because of the Sexual Revolution. In nineteenth-century Italy, another revolution was at least partly to blame: the Industrial Revolution.