Home » Benedict XVI’s own words show that he really did resign the papacy

Benedict XVI’s own words show that he really did resign the papacy

‘If a pope renounces the administration of his office, he necessarily renounces the office itself, because the office per se entails the right to act. Thus, Pope Benedict’s renunciation of his administration entails renunciation of the papal office.’

(LifeSiteNews) — My last article addressed certain problems with Dr. Mazza’s analysis of Bishop Schneider’s appeal to Universal and Peaceful Acceptance. Below, I will address Dr. Mazza’s claim in his reply to His Excellency that “Benedict XVI’s own words prove his resignation was invalid.”

Do Benedict’s words prove the invalidity of his resignation?
Dr. Mazza argues Benedict’s resignation was invalid due to Benedict’s defective intention with respect to the Petrine munus. Dr. Mazza disputes Bishop Schneider’s objection that “God alone judges intentions whereas canon law merely limits itself in evaluating the outward behavior of the baptized,” or in other words “a judge does not judge interior things.” [1]